Directions for use:
- Intervene should be taken at least one hour before or after meals during prayer.
- Mixed with a glass of room temperature water or pure natural squeezed juice (not concentrated flavoured drinks or carbonated drinks!)
- Keep refrigerated after opened
- Best before use date, once opened – 30 days (Shelf life – 1 year)
- If infected areas are close to the shin, we suggest applying Intervene externally (1 to 2ml twice daily); to accelerate the healing process.
Daily Immune Boost:
Suggested dosage – 10ml per day
(Estimated on 1 bottle per month)
Suggested dosage – 30ml per day –
(Estimated on 3 bottle/s per month for a time period of 1 x month;
Thereafter a monthly maintenance of 1 bottle per month is suggested for immune boost.)
All cancer types (excluding – Chemo, Radiation or Hormone treatments):
If the patient has not received any Chemo or Radiation within the past four years or is not currently undergoing Hormone treatment we suggest the following solution:
Intervene Herbal – suggested dosage:
25ml morning – Estimated on 6 bottle/s per month
25ml evening
for a minimum time period of 3 x months;
Once a client tests negative against cancer he/she should continue with a general maintenance plan of 1 x bottle per month.
All cancer types (for patients that’s received Chemo, Radiation):
In the case where a patient has (in the past four years) or is currently receiving Chemo or Radiation therapy it is vital to understand that additional supplements to Intervene Herbal will be required.
- Detox the body caused by chemicals;
- Rebuild and maintain the immune system to counter the side effects; and
- Assist in fighting the cancer.
Although we have had clients that has completely eradicated cancer under these circumstances, you need to understand that there are over 750 types of Chemo treatments being used in the market and the results of Intervene Herbal is unpredictable.
Due to this results has shown a drastic reduction towards the success rate of Intervene in these cases, it is therefore that a patient requires additional assistance over and above the Detox and immune supplement, through the help of ArtumOxy to fight cancer head on.
We suggest two Anti-cancer remedies for this scenario.
Intervene Herbal – suggested dosage:
25ml morning – Estimated on 6 bottle/s per month
25ml evening
for a minimum time period of 3 x months;
Once a client tests negative against cancer he/she should continue with a general maintenance plan of 1 x bottle per month.
ArtumOxy – suggested dosage:
Take 1 capsule per day, in the evening (*with coconut oil) for a time period of 3 months.
(*Take one teaspoon of coconut oil before consuming the ArtumOxy capsule; Coconut oil contains a low melting point, so feel free to heat the oil up slightly in order to easier ingest it.)
Commence taking 3 capsules of Liver Ease per day starting the third month for 1 x month.
Once a cancer cells dies it releases all captured minerals back into the body, it is essential to test the iron levels in the blood in the beginning of the third month, because if the iron levels in the blood is higher than at the cancer cells the Artemisinin will focus on the blood and not the cancer cells.
To assist excessive levels of iron in your blood we suggest 3 x Liver Ease capsules per day, for a time period of 10 days.
Prostate Cancer (for patients that is currently receiving hormone treatments):
In many instances, Prostate Cancer patients received hormone treatments prescribed by their oncologist. Although Intervene Herbal will assist the body to Detox it has proven to have zero percent success rate against cancer during hormone treatments. The minute the patient discontinue the hormone medication Intervene Herbal takes effect and the success rate reflects as per solution 1.
For patients that is undergoing hormone treatments we suggest a deferent approach.
ArtumOxy – suggested dosage:
Take 1 capsule per day, in the evening (with coconut oil) for a time period of 3 months.
Commence taking 3 capsules of Liver Ease per day starting the third month for 1 x month.
And Prostate Ease that can assist against cancer
Directions for use: Take 1 capsule per day
Our suggestion is that once a patient stops the hormone treatment, they immediately switch over to the full recommended Intervene Herbal dosage as per solution 1. No other supplements from our range is required.
Skin Cancer (Additional to above mentioned solutions):
Apply Intervene Herbal twice daily on infected skin areas. For easy application, use a cotton wool or mix it with coconut butter / Vaseline / natural shin cream.
Please feel free to contact us with any queries