HIV introduction – “A Journey to…
“If you have self inflicted HIV upon yourself;
we are not here to judge.
There can only be One judge.
And if you are a victim of HIV, do not judge others;
only God can judge.”
This journey to fight HIV will require three steps:
Ronelle / Antoinette
Accredited Consultants
HIV Victims
It is a fact that HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. However there are Victims of HIV; unfortunate individuals that contracted the virus through uncontrollable circumstances.
If YOU ARE or KNOW an HIV Victim;
talk to us:
Getting diagnosed can be overwhelming.
- Not knowing what direction to...
- What does it mean when you...
- What next?
There is only one answer; FIGHT IT!
My purpose is to show you how...
Contact us on:
(+27) 012 661 4426
(+27) 063 309 5822
Step 1: Healing through prayer:
I believe that fighting HIV is a journey. A battle that can be won through Jesus Christ. Jesus walked the earth and healed the people with the power given to Him by God…
Acts 10:38 “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with great power; and He went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, because God was with Him.”
“The Journey with Jesus.
“It is the journey of healing that matters; for the journey will lead to the destination of life.
Only through the right path can we achieve everlasting life. “
Without Him… this journey will not be possible.
Step 2: Nature's therapeutic essence
The second aspect in this journey contains the healing properties that God created and has given to us through the herbs plants and the trees of this earth.
“…towards making the HIV virus undetectable. Intervene Herbal complements and enhances these goals. I have personally witnessed the positive impact Intervene Herbal has had on the lives of individuals living with HIV/AIDS.
How does Intervene Herbal work?…”
Step 3: Lifestyle and diet suggestions
Gen 1:29 So God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of the entire earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you…”
To take better care of your body, it’s important to eat as naturally as possible and avoid artificial additives like processed foods, preservatives, colourings, and flavourings.
HIV Aids - Secondary conditions:
If you’re experiencing secondary health issues because of HIV or AIDS, talk to us. There have many ways that may stimulate, enhance and improve your condition.
Keep in mind that our supplements aims to keep the HIV virus under control until it’s not detectable. However, if you stop following the protocols, even for a few days, the virus and related health problems might come back more aggressively.
HIV and Aids frequently asked questions:
Content on this page is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional.