Our medications and supplements range includes Herbal Remedies & Relief for a variety of health conditions, aliments, diseases and disorders:
A - Remedies
Abdominal discomfort: Sily Marum
Acne: Acne clear | Intervene Herbal
ADD | ADHD: Combikids | Stress Ease
Aids Support: Intervene Herbal | Annucap
Alkalinity: Intervene Herbal
Allergies: Intervene Herbal | Liver Ease | Sily Marum
Antiseptic Bacterial: Intervene Herbal | Annucap
Anxiety: Stress Ease | Sleep Ease
Arthritis: Arthritis Relief | Intervene Herbal
C - Remedies
Cancer (All types): Intervene Herbal | ArtumOxy
Cancer (Skin): Intervene Herbal | ArtumOxy | (Cancer Milk Weed – REQ)
Cancer (Brain): Intervene Herbal
Cancer (during & after) Chemotherapy: Detox | Intervene Herbal | ArtumOxy
Candida: Intervene Herbal | AnnuCap
Chlamydia: Intervene Herbal AnnuCap
Cholesterol: Cynara
Cirrhosis: Liver Ease | Sily Marum
Clarity: Combikids for children | Comblocol for adults
Cold sores: Intervene Herbal or Ulcerite Powder
Colds: Cold & Flu | Annucap | BronchiClear
Concentration: Combikids for children | Comblocol for adults
Cramps: Bella Balm (short term) | Intervene Herbal (long term) | AnnuCap | Probiotic
Crohn’s disease: Probiotic
Cuts: GI Vital
F | G | H - Remedies
Flu: AnnuCap | Intervene Herbal | Bronchi Clear
Focus: Combikids | Comblocol
Fungal killer: Intervene Herbal | Annucap | Annukids
Glaucoma: Intervene Herbal | Ceraflow
Gout: Intervene Herbal | Liver Ease | Sily Marum,
Gum ulcers: Intervene Herbal | Ulcerite Powder | Annucap
Heart disorders: Intervene Herbal | HeartEase
Heart disorders: (Blood flow): Heart-Ease | Ceraflow
Heart disorders: (Inflammation/infections/detox): Annucap \ HeartEase
Heart disorders: (Liver detox): Liver Ease | Sily Marum
Heart disorders: (Stabilise heart): Digitalis X6 (REQ) | HeartEase
Heart disorders:(strengthens heart): Heart-Ease
Heart disorders: (Stress): Heart-Ease | Stress Ease
Heart disorders: (water retention): Tarraximin | Heart Ease
Hepatitis: Liver Ease | Sily Marum | Annucap
Herpes: Intervene Herbal | Annucap
High blood pressure: Tarraximin | Heart Ease
HIV: Intervene Herbal | Annucap | Artumoxy
L | M | N - Remedies
Lipids: Cynara
Liver conditions: Liver Ease or Sily Marum (powder)
Lowers blood sugar: Cynara | Glucassist
Malaria: AnnuCap (preventative & may assist) | Intervene Herbal
Malta-fever: AnnuCap
Memory: Ceraflow Caps | Comblocol
Memory (short term): Comblocol | Ceraflow |Combikids
Meniére’s Syndrome: Ceraflow Caps
Migraines & Headaches: Ceraflow Caps
Mouth sores & Ulcers: Ulcerite Powder | Intervene Herbal. Nappy rash: Calendula Ointment (REQ) | Annucap
Neuralgic pain: Intervene Herbal | Ceraflow | Comblocol | Annucap
O | P | Q | R - Remedies
Parkinson’s relief: Intervene Herbal | Ceraflow | Bella Balm
pH Balance: Intervene Herbal
Phlegm from airways (clear): Bronchi Clear | AnnuCap (Anti-viral / bacterial)
Pimples: Acne clear | Cynara
Poor digestion (discomfort): Probiotic
Probiotic: Probiotic
Prostate disorders: Intervene Herbal | Prostate Ease | Annucap
Prostate (enlarged): Prostate Ease
Psoriasis: Intervene Herbal | Cynara | Liver Ease
Relaxant: Stress Ease
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): Ceraflow Caps &/or Stress Ease | Intervene Herbal
Rheumatism (Pain relieve): Intervene Herbal | Comfrey Ointment (REQ)
T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z- Remedies
TB (Tuberculosis): Intervene Herbal | AnnuCap | BronchiClear
Tick fever: AnnuCap
Toxic blood: Detox Caps | Intervene Herbal
Toxins: Detox Caps | Intervene Herbal | Liver Ease | Sily Marum
Tumours: Intervene Herbal | Annucap | Artumoxy
Urinary Infection: Intervene Herbal | Annucap | Artumoxy
Urine (poor flow): Prostate Ease
Varicose veins (painful): Varicvein Relief
Vertigo: Ceraflow Caps
Viral infections: Intervene Herbal | AnnuCap | Artumoxy
Water retention: Tarraximin | Endocrine Restorer if it’s triggered by menstruation in women
Wounds external: Intervene Herbal | Calendula Ointment (REQ)
Yeast infection: Intervene Herbal | Annucap | Artumoxy
Yellow Jaundice: Liver Ease | Sily Marum
B - Remedies
Back pain: Intervene Herbal
Bacterial infections: Intervene Herbal | Annucap
Bilharzia: AnnuCap | Intervene Herbal
Bladder infection: AnnuCap | Intervene Herbal. Bloatedness caused by poor liver function: Sily Marum (REQ)
Bloating: Probiotic | Liver Ease | Intervene Herbal
Blood circulation: Ceraflow Caps
Blood circulation in legs: Ceraflow Caps
Blood infection: AnnuCap | Intervene Herbal
Blood sugar regulator: ImmunoPro
Blood sugar (High): Cynara
Blurred Eye Vision: Intervene Herbal | Ceraflow
Bronchitis: Bronchi Clear | Annucap
Bruises: Comfrey Ointment (REQ)
Burn wounds relieve: Calendula Ointment (REQ)
D | E - Remedies
Dementia: Ceraflow Caps
Detox: Detox Caps | Intervene Herbal
Diabetes: ImmunoPro | Intervene Herbal | Cynara
Digestive bloating: Sily Marum | Liver Ease | Probiotic
Eczema: Cynara | Intervene Herbal | Liver Ease
Eczema severe: Eczema Relief (REQ) | Intervene Herbal | Cynara | Liver Ease
Emphysema: Bronchi Clear | Intervene Herbal | Jimson Weed
Endocrine deficiency: Endocryne restorer
I | J | K - Remedies
IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome): Probiotic
Immune booster: Intervene Herbal | ImmunoPro | Annucap
Infections: Intervene Herbal | AnnuCap
Infections of the intestines: AnnuCap | Intervene Herbal | Probiotic
Infections (severe): ArtumOxy | Intervene Herbal | Annucap
Inflammation: Intervene Herbal | Annucap | ArtumOxy
Inflammation (severe): ArtumOxy | Intervene Herbal | Annucap
Insect bites: Skin Ointment (REQ) | Intervene Herbal
Insomnia: Stress Ease | Sleep Ease
Jaundice: Liver Ease | Sily Marum
Joint pain: Intervene Herbal
Kidney infections: AnnuCap | Intervene Herbal | Renalin
S - Remedies
Scarring: Intervene Herbal
Septic Ulcers: Intervene Herbal
Sinusitis: Intervene Herbal | Liver Ease
Sinusitis (severe): Intervene Herbal | Sily Marum (REQ)
Skin Acne: Intervene Herbal | Acne Clear
Skin Blemishes: Intervene Herbal | Skin Ointment (REQ)
Skin infections (rashes): Intervene Herbal
Sleep disorders: Stress Ease | Sleep Ease (REQ)
Sores: Intervene Herbal. Spastic colon: Probiotic (REQ) | Hydro Colon Therapy (REQ)
Spider Bites: Intervene Herbal | Skin Ointment (REQ)
Sprains: Intervene Herbal | Comfrey Ointment
STD’s (All types): Intervene Herbal
Stomach bloating: Sily Marum (REQ)
Stomach ulcers: Bella Balm | Intervene Herbal
Stress relief: Stress Ease
Strokes: Ceraflow Caps
Study Supplement: Combikids
Sun burn spots: Skin Ointment (REQ)
Sunburn relief: Calendula Ointment (REQ)
Swelling relief: Intervene Herbal