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Activated Curcumin


Activated Curcumin is a Neuron regeneration supplement with cellular enhancement and repair properties.

Contact our office and request to speak to an accredited consultant for assistance regarding the products, protocols and directions of use:
012 661 4426  |  063 309 5822

Selective stock now available at:
Plumstead, Cape Town, Pick-up station.
For collections, contact Savannah on: 067 233 3676 (collections only).


Activated Curcumin powder is the active ingredient in turmeric and may contain the following healing properties:

May assist against joint Inflammation, Arthritis, Metabolic Syndrome, acts as a blood flow stimulant and Anticoagulant, Antioxidant, may improve heart health, reduce cholesterol, increase of bile production, prevent against Cancer and Alzheimer’s. People who took Curcumin experienced significant improvements in their memory and attention abilities. Curcumin may provide neuropathic and nociceptive pain relief.

For optimum assistance against cancer, it is advised to use Curcumin in conjunction with Intervene herbal – click to read more…


Activated Curcumin may enhance:

  • Level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), (peptides or small proteins – that support the regeneration, growth, survival, and differentiation of both developing and mature neurons) especially during the immediate aftermath of injuries.
  • Researchers are discovering that Curcumin combats several key factors of aging by enhancing the cessation of cell division and increases telomere length (The length of telomeric DNA shortens with each cell division and determines the lifespan of a cell in culture).
  • May assist in keeping the skin firm and supple by protecting against Glycation (a process which is caused by the presence of excess glucose in skin fibers.
  • Curcumin activates AMPK (activated protein kinase). AMPK stimulates energy, generating processes such as glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation, and decreases energy-consuming processes, such as protein and lipid synthesis.
  • Autophagy (The natural, conserved degradation and recycling of cellular components, whilst removing unnecessary or dysfunctional components). In one animal study, it extended the average lifespan by 26%.
  • Curcumin may assist with diabetic neuropathy (A type of nerve damage that can occur with Type 1 diabetes). It enhanced the glucose-lowering effect of insulin and protects against the onset of diabetic neuropathy.
  • Curcumin may lower high levels of cholesterol or other fat particles (lipids) in the blood. In return Curcumin may improve weight and metabolic rate. This process may reduce fatigue and boost comprehensive energy levels.


Activated Curcumin Powder Contain:

Curcumin: (98% purity) 120g     |     Zeolite: 80g
200g – 40 servings



Take 1 to 2 teaspoons daily (until the condition is resolved); thereafter maintain with 1 to 2 teaspoons per week.
Best taken after meals, (morning and/or evening).



  • Not to be taken in conjunction with blood thinning medications.
  • People with liver or bile duct obstruction problems (gallstones) should not take turmeric supplements, as they can increase bile production.
  • Excessive use of Curcumin may cause nausea, diarrhea, headache, skin rash, yellow stool, or an upset stomach and in extreme cases, ulcers.


This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.

Additional information

Weight 0.236 kg