Intervene Herbal –
Nature’s therapeutic essence.
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- Step 1: Healing through prayer
- Step 2: Nature’s therapeutic essence
- Step 3: Lifestyle and diet suggestions
- Welcome to the journey with Jesus…
- FAQ HIV & Aids – (Additional Info)
Minky Seromo
RLS Coach
HIV Victims
It is a fact that HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. However there are Victims of HIV; unfortunate individuals that contracted the virus through uncontrollable circumstances.
If YOU ARE or KNOW an HIV Victim;
talk to us:
Getting diagnosed can be overwhelming.
- Not knowing what direction to...
- What does it mean when you...
- What next?
There is only one answer; FIGHT IT!
My purpose is to show you how...
Contact Minky on:
(+27) 087 150 2178
Intervene Herbal – Nature’s therapeutic essence.
When using Intervene Herbal in your fight against HIV, remember that the true source of healing is not the product itself or us as your distributor. Instead, give thanks to God for His divine healing power and for creating nature with its miraculous properties.
Consider the story of David and Goliath: David’s victory did not come from the rock he used, but from his faith in God. Similarly, while Intervene Herbal may assist you in your journey, the real power lies in faith and divine intervention.
Before we discuss how our protocols can support you in fighting HIV, it’s crucial to understand the following:
- Do not stop taking your antiretroviral (ARV) medication.
- Continue with your conventional treatments.
- Always follow the advice of your medical practitioner.
You might wonder: “Why should I use these supplements if I must continue my regular treatments?”
The purpose of ARV’s is to strengthen the immune system and work towards making the HIV virus undetectable. Intervene Herbal complements and enhances these goals. I have personally witnessed the positive impact it has had on the lives of individuals living with HIV/AIDS.
How does Intervene Herbal work?
- Intervene may help boost the immune system to optimal levels. Since HIV leads to autoimmune deficiency (AIDS), Intervene may enable your body to combat the virus more effectively.
- Intervene Herbal is also designed to detoxify the body and blood of toxins, optimizing the body’s natural healing capabilities. Considering the toxins, preservatives, colourings, and flavourings in our daily diet, detoxification is essential for optimal health.
- Intervene Herbal contains 25 natural herbs and organic essential oils, such as frankincense and myrrh, mentioned in the Bible. Some of these ingredients are known to have antiviral properties that may help in reducing the HIV virus to undetectable levels.
- Lastly, due to its high alkaline content, Intervene may help reduce acidity and balance the body’s pH levels. As Dr. Otto Warburg stated, “If you can balance your body’s pH levels, no disease can thrive.”
Gen1:11: And God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth”; and it was so.
Read More about Intervene Herbal…
I encourage you, when taking this product, to pray and thank God for providing these natural ingredients for the healing of nations.
Content on this page is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional.